Intel NIC driver not present


Dec 3, 2020

I purchased a Fitlet3 for a special purpose but now that special purpose has changed and I wanted to reuse it for Proxmox but none of the ISOs I've tested recognize 2 of the 4 ethernet ports.

I've read varying opinions specifically about Ubuntu where 22.04 is suppose to have it but not that I can locate, downloading 22.04 (most current) the ports aren't recognized either.

I know what specific kernel driver/module is required, it's just not part of any release that I can find, needs: CONFIG_STMMAC_ETH and CONFIG_DWMAC_INTEL

I found someone else having the exact same issue here that describes it exactly:
  • Can I make this work somehow with either Proxmox 7.4 or 8.0?
  • If so how might I do that?
  • Can this become a standard part of a Proxmox ISO package in the future?

It is possible by compiling your own kernel, yet it cannot recommend to do so without any deeper knowlegde. I can just suggest to wait at least half a year, maybe more and it'll be in ubuntu lts and therefore also available in PVE. Just LACP bond your two ports together and go with vlan so that you can build a network as complex as you want, available vlan an LACP-capable switch is necessary.