Intel i710 SR-IOV


Apr 13, 2021
I had an Intel i350 setup with SR-IOV and it was working fine. I could use ViFs with Linux, and Windows 11. I swapped out the i350 with an i710. This was smooth as the OS saw the new NIC and it seemed to work. I changed the # of Vifs from 7 for the i350 to 32 for the i710. I have assigned ViFs to Linux and after making small OS updates it worked. But I see a console errors on Proxmox host for the i710 that weren't there with the i350

Cannot add more MAC addresses, VF is not trusted, switch the VF to trusted to add more functionality

Plus I can not add a ViF to windows. When I go into Window device manager it shows a failed nic but the Intel driver installed doesn't detect the NIC as an Intel.

Any insight on these issues?
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