Installing proxmox on 1 laptop,


New Member
Oct 15, 2021

I would like to install proxmox on 1 Laptop.

- is it possible to access the web GUI, from the Terminal, Once i Install Proxmox as the Main operating system?

- Currently i am using a 2nd laptop, with a web browser to access the web GUI via Browser + HTTPS address.
*But doing this is wasting the usefulness of the 1st Server laptop as its own workstation.

- To achieve this, do i need to Install a different Opperating system on the Laptop as the Main Operating system, that enables a browser? (Like Debian), and then install Proxmox on top of it? Then Virtual drives on top of that again...?

I'd much appreciate it if someone can describe how to organise this.

- i Want 1 Laptop, set up to run virtual drives
- With Debian OS (or similar) (to run Postgres Database)
- & FreeNas OS (or similar) (for Local / Cloud Storage)

I'd really appreciate If someone can briefly describe the Order of the system. So i know what path to go down..

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- is it possible to access the web GUI, from the Terminal, Once i Install Proxmox as the Main operating system?
Yes, just install a desktop environment and a browser, alternative (if you do not want a desktop environment): use CLI tools

- To achieve this, do i need to Install a different Opperating system on the Laptop as the Main Operating system, that enables a browser? (Like Debian), and then install Proxmox on top of it? Then Virtual drives on top of that again...?
Proxmox VE is a derivate of Debian and supports most of its packages, so just install a desktop environment after setting up Proxmox VE, see for some options and the list of task-xy package names available to (somewhat) easily install a desktop environment.

For example, apt install task-xfce-desktop to install the rather lightweight XFCE desktop or task-gnome-desktop for the a bit more heavyweight GNOME desktop.

- With Debian OS (or similar) (to run Postgres Database)
- & FreeNas OS (or similar) (for Local / Cloud Storage)
Those can then be setup afterwards, Debian either in a Container or VM and FreeNAS in a VM (as it's not a Linux distro)