Thanks @pocok for sharing your experiences!
In the past I've had issues using SQM in an openwrt 18.x container.
I don't know the exact details, but DazzyWalkman mentions some "out-of-tree" kernel stuff which openwrt used in openwrt 18.x to enable sqm in this post is
I never managed to sorted out the kernel issues I faced using openwrt 18x. They may have been related to something else.
@pocok have you tried SQM in container yet?
I need to do some reading regarding "trunk LACP bond", what benefits do you see?
I haven't used SQM scrips with OpenWrt previously. I guess this is a very special case, as you can imagine, running a containerized distribution which is designed for low-spec, purpose-hardware... this is something that even the devs can't really argue about... I would recommend trying a different distro, if possible to run with LXC that has the SQM services, and compare with that (vanilla Debian perhaps?).
Regarding LACP bonding, this is really not Proxmox specific, it just the way I set up my network. I have a Cisco Catalyst series switch to which I have the Proxmox host connected to. Of course you need to set up LACP bonding on both ends, so on the switch and on the server (Prmoxmox neetly has this feature to bond multiple network adapters in the GUI). The benefit is, that this could help with increased thoughput and latencies that if you have such network hardware, and consistent network traffic between your server and multiple clients, as it is using two or more ethernet links seen as one logical.