Installation from PXE: "the initrd is too big"


Active Member
Oct 2, 2019
I'm using this script
by @morph027 to install PVE from PXE (and USB as well).

This method works perfectly for PVE 6.0, but for latest PVE 6.2 it stopped working for me, even when github page says it's fully working for 6.2.

With PVE 6.2, trying to boot the generated initrd results in this error:
error: the initrd is too big
Press any key to continue

The script-generated initrd image for PVE 6.0 is 760 Mb size, and there was no problem.
The initrd for PVE 6.2 is 880 Mb size, and I got the above error.

All I could find around internet regarding the aforementioned error were some *very old* threads in forums suggesting to "disable Memory Hole option" in BIOS/UEFI setup. However none of the PCs I tested in have such option in their configurations.

The only way I could "fix" the error with PVE 6.2 was changing this
linux http://${webserver}/proxmox/${version}/linux26
initrd http://${webserver}/proxmox/${version}/initrd.iso.img
for this
linuxefi http://${webserver}/proxmox/${version}/linux26
initrdefi http://${webserver}/proxmox/${version}/initrd.iso.img

However this has the drawback of not being able to install on legacy BIOS machines.

Tested on 2 servers, HP ProLiant ML110 G7 (BIOS) and ProLiant ML30 Gen9 (UEFI), each with 16 Gb RAM.

Could someone help with this, by chance?