Install medium (usb) and trim support?


New Member
May 11, 2019
I'm completely new to Proxmox and have two questions:
  1. I want to install Proxmox on a usb stick (internal 3.0 A port on the mainboard). I don't know what kind of stick I should buy. It should last long. I guess proxmox will do a lot writing actions on that stick. Some poor sticks die very fast in that case... what is a good stick? And how big should it be? (I also have 2x M.2 SSDs on that board and wanted to use them as a mirror for the VMs and containers. Would it be better to install proxmox there instead of the usb-stick? I just thought on usb a reinstall would be easier.)
  2. I often read "Proxmox doesn't support TRIM oh my god we all gonna die". But all these sources where I read that is from 2017 or earlier. Does Proxmox meanwhile support TRIM on SSDs? (Couldn't find anything in the changelog so I guess no?)

I want to install Proxmox on a usb stick (internal 3.0 A port on the mainboard). I don't know what kind of stick I should buy. It should last long. I guess proxmox will do a lot writing actions on that stick. Some poor sticks die very fast in that case... what is a good stick? And how big should it be? (I also have 2x M.2 SSDs on that board and wanted to use them as a mirror for the VMs and containers. Would it be better to install proxmox there instead of the usb-stick? I just thought on usb a reinstall would be easier.)

do you mean you want to install it on a usb and use it as a liveusb with persistence or similar? because i'm not sure if that's a good idea since there will be a lot of i/o operations which a regular usb stick may do very slowly... why don't you install it on a regular disk instead?
the reinstall might be easier but you will have very bad performance overall

I often read "Proxmox doesn't support TRIM oh my god we all gonna die".
where did you read that? trim is dependent on filesystem or disk format you use and it has nothing to do with "proxmox not supporting trim".
you can use trim, here are some articles[0][1]

do you mean you want to install it on a usb and use it as a liveusb with persistence or similar?
I mean I want to install proxmox (trough the installer) on a usb-stick instead of hdd/ssd.

- I don't install it on a regular disk because I want to passtrouh my onboard SATA controller to a NAS VM.
- I also read I can't even install Proxmox on the ZFS Mirror of 2x M.2 SSDs.
- Bad performance? I've read the performance of the proxmox OS drive is not so important since most things are executed once and then stored in memory anyway
- Yes the thing with I/O operations is exactly what I meant. But I've read this shouldn't be a big problem if I take a good USB stick. edit: I think what i meant is SLC and MLC. But I'm not completely sure..
- Okay, sorry then I misunderstood that. I guess then the trim support has something to do with "ZFS on Linux". edit: I understand now. Proxmox VE 5.4 uses ZFS 0.7.13 and ZFS 0.8 upwards supports TRIM. Can anyone say how long it will take until Proxmox uses ZFS 0.8? I mean not a fixed date or something. More like "weeks or months or years"

PS: Yes this is a lot "I've read bla bla". I can't post sources where I read that since I've read like 30 forums and 1000 posts in the last days. Impossible to remember where I got that information from. xD
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Can anyone say how long it will take until Proxmox uses ZFS 0.8? I mean not a fixed date or something. More like "weeks or months or years"

patches are already applied, it's only a matter of time.


this'll be included in the buster release
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