In place upgrade to 5.0

Thanks. How do I know if I have containers? What is the containers used for? When I look at the Web GUI I don't see anything listed as a container. I only see a list of VMs and data storage devices. Is the storage considered the containers?
While an interesting read, it didn't explain what containers are as identified in the GUI. Is the role of the container to be VM, but not really be a VM?
That's why I posted the link. The referenced articles explain the differences between containers and fully fledged virtual machines.
Thank you. While I understood it, the confusion comes in I don't see anything identified as a container in the GUI. So that is where the confusion comes in understanding what to backup.
There are icons on the "Create VM" and "Create CT" buttons in the upper left corner. They are the same in the resource tree.
Thank you! So I can now be confident that I don't have any containers as they would show up in the left pane just like VMs. correct?
Sorry, the buttons didn't have icons back then. VMs show up with a monitor icon, containers with a OpenVZ "swirl" for lack of a better term.
they would show up in the left pane just like VMs. correct?
Yes. Containers show up on top of the list, as can be seen here
Good then since I don't see any swirly things in the left pane, I don't have any containers at present. So all I gotta do is back up the VMs.
Having a discussion with another dev.
He says that KVMs do not need to be updated or converted. That I can basically take the existing server. Back up all the KVM VMs. Then just update the nodes ONLY and when the nodes are up to 5.2, then simply restore the VMs to the nodes. Correct? I am hoping that this is a yes or no question.
Can somebody tell me? Can I copy 3.1 KVMs to a 5.2 node and restore? Please advise.
Having a discussion with another dev.
He says that KVMs do not need to be updated or converted. That I can basically take the existing server. Back up all the KVM VMs. Then just update the nodes ONLY and when the nodes are up to 5.2, then simply restore the VMs to the nodes. Correct? I am hoping that this is a yes or no question.
Can anyone confirm what this dev is telling me?