importovf fails due to permission


New Member
May 19, 2021

Using OVFTOOL I was able to copy the Files from VMWARE to PROXMOX. After that I tried importing with the below command I get as

root@proxmox:/home# qm importovf 200 /tmp/pve/XXXXX01TST42-SQL/XXXXX01TST42-SQL.ovf local-lvm
Reserving empty config for OVF import to VM 200 failed: unable to open file '/etc/pve/nodes/proxmox/qemu-server/200.conf.tmp.92854' - Permission denied

I can see /etc/

root@proxmox:/etc# ls -ltr
total 820
drwxr-xr-x 2 root www-data 0 Jan 1 1970 pve

As a root I can modify this Path or have update authority at all ?

No VM200 doesnt exist. Just to prove if its the case I tried with other unique number and got the same error message.

Looks like some kind of permission is required to access the above path. Has anyone faced this issue ?
Can you create any other VMs on local-lvm & import single disks to it? Something like
qm create 200 --name test --scsi0 local-lvm:5
qm importdisk 200 /tmp/pve/disk1.vmdk local-lvm
Is it possible to use importovf with any other storage, for example local?