[SOLVED] Import secure boot certificate used by Proxmox

Apr 28, 2024
Hello, for some reason the mainboard I'm using is not shipping any secure boot certificates by default.
There is an option to install them but unfortunately is not doing anything.
This was working in the past but bricked with the latest bios update.
As a result Proxmox is not booting when secure boot is enabled.
The UEFI setup provides the option to manually import certificates so I'm wondering where to get the correct one used by Proxmox.
Thank you.

Microsoft certificates are available at https://github.com/microsoft/secureboot_objects
Go to the release section and download the platform certificates, eg. edk2-x64-secureboot-binaries.zip.
Follow the procedure of your mainboard to install the certificates:
  • DefaultPk.bin - Microsoft Platform Key (PK)
  • DefaultKek.bin - Microsoft Key Exchange Key (KEK)
  • Default3PDb.bin - Microsoft and Third Party Signature Database (DB)
  • DefaultDbx.bin - Forbidden Signatures Database (DBX)
Proxmox with secure boot is now working for me.
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I was hoping this would fix it on my Lenovo M920Q, but sadly even after appending it to my Lenovo it didn't make UEFI SecureBoot work. So I just disabled Secure Boot.

Hopefully it'll help others.

Proxmox: 8.2
Update on this, I did try that and also been trying it on a Minisforum MS-A1, both replace and append. No luck either