I use a vlan-aware bridge on a Proxmox VE 6.1 system with a following network configuration:
However, my NIC (Intel X722, handled by i40e module) has a limit of number of VLANs for HW filtering so it switches to SW filtering with that number.
So I would like to reduce the number of bridge-vids from everything (2-4094) to the VLANs I actually need on the bridge. For multiple VLANs the syntax seems to be space separated (as per https://docs.cumulusnetworks.com/cu...hernet-Bridging-VLANs/VLAN-aware-Bridge-Mode/ ). If I just use a single VLAN ID i.e.
everything is fine, also if use a single range, i.e.
So I have to assume all is fine and it is not a NIC/driver issue (i.e. like https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/need-some-serous-help-quickly-please.61489/#post-282546 )
But when I use a space separated list, the VLANs are not accessible in the bridge anymore with no error message on network (re)start.
Since the ifupdown2 package is a -pve package (not Debian) I guess this is the right place to report the bug.
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet manual
bridge-ports eno7
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-vids 2-4094
bridge-pvid 1
mtu 9000
So I would like to reduce the number of bridge-vids from everything (2-4094) to the VLANs I actually need on the bridge. For multiple VLANs the syntax seems to be space separated (as per https://docs.cumulusnetworks.com/cu...hernet-Bridging-VLANs/VLAN-aware-Bridge-Mode/ ). If I just use a single VLAN ID i.e.
bridge-vids 10
bridge-vids 10-20
But when I use a space separated list, the VLANs are not accessible in the bridge anymore with no error message on network (re)start.
Since the ifupdown2 package is a -pve package (not Debian) I guess this is the right place to report the bug.