If supported, how configure kvm virtfs ?


Renowned Member
Feb 25, 2012

Since I would like to directly mount folders in a kvm, I would like to know if virtfs is supported by proxmox ?
If it is supported, how can I configure it ?
I manage to bind local folder with ct (openvz) by using {VID}.mount/.umount file ...

I thank you by advance,
Dear Dietmar,

Thank your for your reply.

Based on http://nixos.org/wiki/QEMU_guest_with_networking_and_virtfs and by using the 'args' setting in the vm conf file
args: -virtfs local,path=/media/share,security_model=passthrough,mount_tag=host_share

I manage to mount it in a ubuntu 11.04 (x86) guest by using mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio host_share /mnt/host_share -oversion=9p2000.L but I have some problem when I try to mount in a debian squeeze 6.0.4 (x64) guest ... " can't read superblock" ... (don't know why ...)

The kvm binary support virtfs, but we have not done any tests with that feature so far.

Any plans on enabling the virtio-9p-pci for kvm binary to make this work?
root@fatboy ~ # kvm -version
QEMU emulator version 1.4.2, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
root@fatboy ~ # kvm -device help 2>&1 | grep -i 9p
root@fatboy ~ # kvm -device help 2>&1 | grep -i virtio
name "virtio-blk-pci", bus PCI, alias "virtio-blk"
name "virtserialport", bus virtio-serial-bus
name "virtconsole", bus virtio-serial-bus
name "virtio-serial-pci", bus PCI, alias "virtio-serial"
name "virtio-rng-pci", bus PCI
name "virtio-net-pci", bus PCI, alias "virtio-net"
name "virtio-scsi-pci", bus PCI
name "virtio-balloon-pci", bus PCI, alias "virtio-balloon"
root@fatboy ~ #
I used the guideline from the CoreOS documentation site to mount folder to a VM. The command is:
-fsdev local,id=conf,security_model=none,readonly,path=/tmp/config-2 -device virtio-9p-pci,fsdev=conf,mount_tag=config-2
It works with no problem on latest ProxMox 4.4
I have some problem when I try to mount in a debian squeeze 6.0.4 (x64) guest ... " can't read superblock" ... (don't know why ...)

Probably too old. Squeeze is oldoldstable, please update to the newest version Debian Jessie 8 or try out Debian Stretch 9.