[SOLVED] I/O errors with H310 Mini flashed to IT mode


Active Member
Jun 15, 2020

This is my first message so I hope to be in the right section. I am the proud owner of a Dell R720 with drives (hdd's and ssd's) attached through a H310 MINI flashed to LSI's IT mode firmware (as described on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1Xi5NZRlXM and https://www.scribd.com/document/457701128/Flash-H310-MM-IT).

My R720 is the 16x 2.5 drives version and my goal is to use ZFS for everything:

- ZFS for the OS: 2x small ssd's in RAID1

- ZFS for the data: a slow RAID10 pool of hdd's + a fast RAID10 pool of sdd's

Unfortunately, I have never been able to achieve this setup because of multiple errors: sometimes the installation failed, sometimes the boot failed, ... I tried many permutations of: booting in bios vs UEFI, LSI firmware in version P20 vs P19, remove all disks except 2 for the installation, etc...

But I read a lot of "blk_update_request: I/O error..." errors so I guess all my failed attempts are related to a bad connection with the disks. I experience the same problem if I boot on a live Ubuntu because sometimes I can format the drives and sometimes I can't (it's completely erratic).

The disks are almost new and SMART values look OK: "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED". The cables look OK too.

Am I missing something?

Thanks for any help!

I would try to isolate the problem. Maybe your server have a onboard SATA port, so you could try to make a fresh install and see if the SATA disk is OK. Or maybe you have another server / Desktop where you can make this test. If you do not see any error, then you know that the H310 mini is the problem. And also double ckeck your SATA/SAS cables in a similar way like for SATA. I have seen this probleme in few situation.

Good luck, you will ned a lot ;)
Hello. It was the H310 MINI. I swapped it for another unit and problems are gone. Thanks for your help