i dont see the folder Structure from NAS

well, you CAN do it like that, but may not be the best way.

What are you intending to copy? if you're transferring vmdks, your best bet would be to use qemu-img to do so and convert them to either raw devices (which you can write directly onto your volume group) or to qcow2 files, in which case you will need to create a filestore on your volume group. both have their pros and cons, but you should decide what you want to do ahead of time.

>well, you CAN do it like that, but may not be the best way.

and please what are the better ways, I think you may be more experienced here?
or do you not want to reveal this secret
Thank you for being really open and honest

Unfortunately, I don't have much time and can't wander around here
much longer. I'm really at home on a big ESXi environment. i'am on study
and i need mutch CPU and Memory power that i have, but the alternativ
will this hold down for licensing issue, yes this was the intenetion to get PVE.

I can't read books and sections now. I really don't have the time for that.
Because as I've seen, big VDMKs take spend up a lot of time, which I really
don't have. If the steps were simpler and more flexible,
this would really be an alternative.

i will check this the next days, then i need to decide, in which direction this will fall.