I can't access the web GUI, and there is no video output. how to recover?


New Member
May 24, 2023
I changed the network settings because my server is now on a different subnet, but I made a mistake. I entered the IP address (from as but didn't change the gateway. As a result, I can't access the web GUI.

Additionally, I have GPU pass-through enabled, and the GPU is not working, resulting in no video output.

Is there any way to recover from this without reinstalling?
Additionally, I have GPU pass-through enabled, and the GPU is not working, resulting in no video output.

Is there any way to recover from this without reinstalling?
Go into the BIOS/UEFI and disable IOMMU. Then the GPU passthrough should fail and the autostarting VM shouldn't start. But only works if you didn`t blacklist the GPU driver.

Another option would be to boot a Live Linux like Ubuntu, mount your PVE root filesystem there and then edit your network configs ("/etc/network/interfaces", "/etc/hosts" and "/etc/resolv.conf" on your PVEs root filesystem).
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Change the IP of your workstation to one that matches subnet of your PVE, but a different last octet. Connect to PVE and fix your issue.
If that doesnt work, then you can also follow what @Dunuin said

Another option is to direct connect a laptop with matching ip/subnet into PVE and fix the network that way.

Plus, if you have access to to physical console, you can boot into single user mode as explained here https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Root_Password_Reset

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
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Go into the BIOS/UEFI and disable IOMMU. Then the GPU passthrough should fail and the autostarting VM shouldn't start. But only works if you didn`t blacklist the GPU driver.

Another option would be to boot a Live Linux like Ubuntu, mount your PVE root filesystem there and then edit your network configs ("/etc/network/interfaces", "/etc/hosts" and "/etc/resolv.conf" on your PVEs root filesystem).
Thank you. I will try tomorrow. It's time for some sleep.