
New Member
Sep 15, 2024
First off i live in Communist Australia, we have an NTU "network termination unit" aka bridge media converter, i have a nic in passthrough that is assigned to a vm with opnsense the lan has a virtio nic that does show up as 10G, i have a fileserver vM with virtio nic 10G plus the proxmox bridge has two 10G fibre Intel 520 googus.

speed test using iperf3 on all vm's 25G wow ok..... with the exception of opnsense if i perf that 2Gb i am talking about the LAN IP.

the 10G 520 has a direct connection to my workstation which is running Windows 10 64bit PRO. same card but cisco OEM.

Using AOC Fibre googus.

If perf from any VM Windows linux , i get 2Gb. ok granted its fast i copied some ISO's to PRoxmox storage , DEB12 for example taken a few seconds, but i want 10G.

I have not done anything special with the network yet as i am testing proxmox out as i done all the testing i could in a VM so now its bare ass time.

I have searched and searched and looked and tried dirty things with opnsense I think that might be the issue or the bridge which works well but ovs might be better.

I do not have any VLANS or anything exotic.

I do have a 1gb nic on the bridge but i have removed that and added it back a fewtimes made no diff its only for WIFI.

I have done the turntable thing in opnsense with no luck, also guest-kvm-tools are installed too.

Interfaces file

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eno0 inet manual

iface ens3f0 inet manual

iface ens3f1 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
bridge-ports ens3f0 ens3f1 eno0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0

AS i said basic.

Proxmox firewall and OS firewalls have been turned off with only opnsense Running, yes i know i know not good exposed virus/googus but i am testing.

Proxmox info.

If there is anything i misshed please let me know as i am stuffed...... i forgot how long i been playing with this....

Thank you all for reading my googus and have a nice day look forward to replies.
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nope.... and by default on OPNsense its disabled. plus the issue i have is from proxmox to physical machines.

Yes i did notice that OPNsense has similar speeds when i perf them from other vm or physical machine to it but that does not matter as my internet speed does not even get close to 100mb as i Live in Communist Australia.

I only mention OPNsense as that's a VM but yeah its got low speed but for internal traffic it should be fine.
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I was lost in your post , please edit it , put copy/paste into CODE tags (not inline CODE).
there is too many words/things.
Remember inter-VM communication doesn't use your physical NIC, it's only virtual network flow, over vmbr0 bridge which speed is bounded to your oldish CPU.
I was lost in your post , please edit it , put copy/paste into CODE tags (not inline CODE).
there is too many words/things.
Remember inter-VM communication doesn't use your physical NIC, it's only virtual network flow, over vmbr0 bridge which speed is bounded to your oldish CPU.
wow, you think cpu's back then could not handle 10Gb are you sure your not from the vmware mob?

Also 2600cp4 had 2 Intel 520x SFP+ << thats a board model.

Yes i know about the bridge that i did mention it, i would prefer to use OVS.

The cpu usage which i watched like a hawk during tests does not jump or getting pegged so yeah nope, but i am starting to think it could be the bridge that proxmox uses by default maybe it is rubbish, but the VM's do use that bridge via TAPS.

The cpu might be old even in tests vm to vm 25gb the cpu did not even blink, so it must be the bridge they have by default then, I would have preferred to use OVS.

Vmware was working fine on this system............ until vmware pulled support for the 10g nic in 6.5 7.0 had zero support. by that time broadcom bought them and now they sink.
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