The normal Proxmox Backup does not include the mail statistics, becaues they can be quite large on high volume sites. Instead the backup only includes the configuration data.
But it is posible to backup/restore the statistics on the console. The statistics are stored in the "Proxmox_ruledb" SQL Database (postgres). You just need to backup/restore the two tables 'statistic' and 'receivers':
1.) Login via ssh
2.) Dump the Statistics to a file (data.sql)
3.) You can restore that file later if you need it
IMPORTANT: Please stop the Proxmox Filter and Policy services first
Restart the Services
But it is posible to backup/restore the statistics on the console. The statistics are stored in the "Proxmox_ruledb" SQL Database (postgres). You just need to backup/restore the two tables 'statistic' and 'receivers':
1.) Login via ssh
2.) Dump the Statistics to a file (data.sql)
> pg_dump -U postgres -d Proxmox_ruledb -t receivers >data.sql
> pg_dump -U postgres -d Proxmox_ruledb -t statistic >>data.sql
3.) You can restore that file later if you need it
IMPORTANT: Please stop the Proxmox Filter and Policy services first
> echo "DROP TABLE receivers;DROP TABLE statistic;"| psql -U postgres -d Proxmox_ruledb
> psql -U postgres -d Proxmox_ruledb <data.sql
Restart the Services