How to whitelist an incoming (receiving) address


Mar 4, 2023
I have added an email address in configuration/mail proxy/whitelist and also in mail filter/who objects/whitelist. In mail filter/rules, whitelist has a value of 99, but messages to that incoming address are still being filtered/rejected/blocked, have I forgotten something somewhere?

Adding the Incoming/Sender email address in the Configuration > Mail Proxy > Whitelist is enough to prevent any block.
One reason it could be that the email is not always coming from same specific sender but perhaps an array of possible email address. Try to add the whole domain and see if it still getting blocked.
Ah I see. Adding Receivers address to whitelist is counter productive. Because if you have domains added to Relay Domains and Transports, PMG will try to pass the emails destined to all inbox of those domains. However, you want to only accept emails for real inboxes that actually exist in your email servers and ignore the rest. For this you want to set Verify Receivers to Yes (550) under Configuration > Mail Proxy > Options.

Whitelist/Blacklist does not really apply to internal email servers email accounts. What is the error/cause that PMG is showing as reason for blocking? You should see some clue under Tracking. Mind posting it here so we can take a look? You redact sensitive info such as IP of email server and actual email addresses.