[SOLVED] How to wake and shutdown spare server for replication jobs?


New Member
Mar 24, 2020
I have a PVE cluster with a backup server which I would like to keep turned off most of the time as a "warm spare". Would it be possible to automatically issue a wake-on-lan command before replication jobs are scheduled to run, and shut the node down after all the replication jobs have been completed (provided no VM is running on that node)?

I know I could make a cron job on the main server to start the backup node with pvenode wakeonlan a while before the scheduled replication jobs, but how to issue a shutdown command after the jobs have been run? Are there any replication job hooks for running scripts?

no there are currently no hooks for replication. Out of interest, what's the reason for wanting to turn off the other server?
How big is your interval between replicas?
Thanks for the answer. I keep the other server turned off mainly for saving energy. I'm running a homelab and two servers running 24/7 would imply twice the impact on the energy bill. I am happy with daily replication jobs and a single server can run all my VMs with no need for true HA or automatic failover; some of them have external storage that I disconnect from one server and connect to the other to offline-migrate when needed.

Any suggestions on how I could monitor the replication jobs with a script to check whether they are finished? Also, I could not find the "shutdown" equivalent to pvenode wakeonlan on the documentation...
Hmm, ok, for a home lab this is understandable.

For this you could monitor pvesr status or pvesr status --guest VMID output from the source node.

For example here the output of a fast syncing CT shortly before, during and after the sync:

root@prod1:~# pvesr status
JobID      Enabled    Target                           LastSync             NextSync   Duration  FailCount State
106-0      Yes        local/prod3           2020-05-22_17:31:01  2020-05-22_17:32:00   6.371804          0 OK
root@prod1:~# pvesr status
JobID      Enabled    Target                           LastSync             NextSync   Duration  FailCount State
106-0      Yes        local/prod3           2020-05-22_17:31:01              pending   6.371804          0 OK
root@prod1:~# pvesr status
JobID      Enabled    Target                           LastSync             NextSync   Duration  FailCount State
106-0      Yes        local/prod3           2020-05-22_17:31:01  2020-05-22_17:33:00   6.371804          0 SYNCING
root@prod1:~# pvesr status
JobID      Enabled    Target                           LastSync             NextSync   Duration  FailCount State
106-0      Yes        local/prod3           2020-05-22_17:32:01  2020-05-22_17:33:00   6.371804          0 OK

As you do daily syncs you could just pull out the NextSync column and see if that is pending or today, if not → shutdown the other node.

A bit hacky but ShouldWork™ Idea :)
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In case anyone has a similar need, here are the (crude) scripts I made to wake up a spare server before replication jobs and shut it down after they are finished:

The first one should be scheduled to run every 5-10 minutes via cron:
# Wakeup other node if a sync job is pending or scheduled for the next N minutes

ps -A | grep -q "srpower"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then  # Already waiting for replication jobs to run
  exit 0

srtest $N >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  srpower &

The next should be named srtest and testes for replication jobs pending, running or scheduled in the next X minutes:
# Check PVE enabled replication jobs
# returns 0 when there are no more jobs pending, running or scheduled in the next N minutes

if [ "$1" -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null

status=$(pvesr status | grep Yes)
grep -q -e "pending" -e "SYNCING" <<< "$status"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "Jobs pending or syncing."
  exit 1
firstjob=$(awk '{gsub ("_"," ",$5); print $5}' <<< "$status" | sort | head -1)  # first "NextSync"
if [ "$firstjob" == "" ]; then
  echo "No enabled scheduled jobs."
  exit 0
if [ "$firstjob" == "-" ]; then  # failed job that should have been run
  echo -n "Next job: $firstjob ("
firststamp=$(date -d "$firstjob" +%s)
threshold=$(date -d "now + $N minutes" +%s)
if [ "$firststamp" -le "$threshold" ]; then  # job scheduled in the next N minutes
  echo "$N minutes or less)"
  exit 1
echo "more than $N minutes away)"
exit 0

The next is also called by the cron script and should be named srpower:
# Wake $OTHER node for replication
# turn it off after finished and no more scheduled jobs in the next N minutes

DATESTR="+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

if [ `hostname` == "server1" ]; then

echo -n "[`date \"$DATESTR\"`] " >> $LOG
pvenode wakeonlan $OTHER &>> $LOG
sleep 60
until srtest $N &>/dev/null
  sleep 60
echo -n "[`date \"$DATESTR\"`] " >> $LOG
echo "No more replication jobs for the next $N minutes. Shutting $OTHER down." >> $LOG
ssh $OTHER "/usr/local/bin/poweroff-if-idle" &>> $LOG

And the last one should be named poweroff-if-idle and runs on the backup node:
ct=$(lxc-ls --running | grep '\S')
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "CT $ct running, not powering off."
  exit 1
qm list | grep -q running
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "VM(s) running, not powering off."
  exit 1
if [ -f /var/lock/keepalive ]; then
  echo "/var/lock/keepalive present, not powering off $(hostname)."
  exit 1
wall "System will auto-shutdown in 2 minutes unless \"keepalive\" is issued." > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 120
if [ ! -f /var/lock/keepalive ]; then
  echo "No keepalive, CT or VM running, $(hostname) shutting itself down."
  echo "keepalive issued, not powering off $(hostname)."

I haven't done extensive testing, but they seem to work :)