How to update Emby


New Member
Aug 21, 2023
I have Emby running in my Proxmox setup, how can I update it to the latest version without losing any of my settings?

I'm on Emby Version but 4.8 is out.

OS Type: debian

Emby LXC​

This is not a PVE question. You would be better to ask in the Emby Community forum or asking the creator of that LXC template.
Never used that LXC, so not sure if it is using emby via dpkg or docker or flatpak. In the case of dpkg this is quite easy and I do it all the time using my Debian VM. You create a backup, download the new deb file from the Emby site and then install it with dpkg.
In case of docker you would do it the docker way. So throwing away the old container and pulling a new updated one.
For flatpak you would use the flatpak update command.

In all cases you also want to regularly run apt update && apt upgrade to keep the Debian Packages updated and secure.
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