H hgsong New Member Feb 28, 2023 2 0 1 Feb 28, 2023 #1 while ago, I just rebooted and can't have access to pve web-UI. what process should I turn on?? such as pve-cluster.service
while ago, I just rebooted and can't have access to pve web-UI. what process should I turn on?? such as pve-cluster.service
Hannes Laimer Proxmox Staff Member Staff member Jul 27, 2020 750 134 68 25 Feb 28, 2023 #2 Hey, could you post the output of journalctl -b -u pveproxy.service? Can you SSH into it? Can you ping it?
Hey, could you post the output of journalctl -b -u pveproxy.service? Can you SSH into it? Can you ping it?
H hgsong New Member Feb 28, 2023 2 0 1 Feb 28, 2023 #3 no I can't .. I think I should have to redepoly it. Thanks!