I am using Proxmox Virtual Environment 6.0-4 on HP Z620 workstation server. Sometimes after clicking "Shutdown" the server hangs forever, I have looked at the logs but could not find anything useful. \
What is the correct order to shutdown the systemd services? I want to try shutting down proxmox gracefully and attempt to shutdown the OS using poweroff command.
What is the correct order to shutdown the systemd services? I want to try shutting down proxmox gracefully and attempt to shutdown the OS using poweroff command.
root@proxmox:~# systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled | grep ^pve
pve-cluster.service enabled
pve-firewall.service enabled
pve-guests.service enabled
pve-ha-crm.service enabled
pve-ha-lrm.service enabled
pve-manager.service enabled
pvebanner.service enabled
pvedaemon.service enabled
pvenetcommit.service enabled
pveproxy.service enabled
pvestatd.service enabled
pve-daily-update.timer enabled
pvesr.timer enabled