how to restore VM with 2 disk ?


New Member
Oct 30, 2017

I have a little problem:

I have create a VM with 2 disk attached on it ( 32G for system et 7.5T for data) I have make a backup on this VM. Recently my server shut down with the overheat.

I would like to restore it now but i could choose only one storage.

I have choose the lager one and extend it to contain the smaller one but no work and stop around 8%:


Someone has ever had this case ?

Thank you in advance for help or solution.
It seems, either the storage for the restore ran full or the backup is broken.
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thank you for the reply, I try another storage later.

About the 2 disk ? Have you already try to restore on 2 disk ?

Thank you in advance.
About the 2 disk ? Have you already try to restore on 2 disk ?

Do you mean to restore on two disks? This does not work. You have to restore on one storage and move the disk images manually.
However, restoring a backup consisting of multiple disks does work without any problems to ONE storage.
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