[SOLVED] How to REPLY a dev mailing list email SENT BEFORE one was subscribed?


Renowned Member
Nov 29, 2023
EDIT: Thread title changed from "[pve-devel] Where to get actual diffs from the mailing list?" after post #4.

E.g. https://lists.proxmox.com/pipermail/pve-devel/2023-December/061176.html, where can I retrieve e.g.

Fabian Grünbichler (2):
  fix #4886: write node SSH hostkey to pmxcfs
  fix #4886: SSH: pin node's host key if available

 src/PVE/Cluster/Setup.pm | 15 +++++++++++++++
 src/PVE/SSHInfo.pm       | 15 ++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

There's just the master and stables here:

NB Joined the mailing list late and only got the digest, it's not ezmlm, so I can't seem to find any command to have it mailed to me individually.

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You can see in the title that there are multiple messages related to the page series (in this case its 0/2):

[pve-devel] [RFC cluster 0/2] fix #4886: improve SSH handling​

So if you go to Next Message (in thread) you should see the actual diffs.

You can set up your client to view Mails as a thread. That way, when you have the Mailinglist subscribed, you should see all mails of a patch series grouped together. You can apply the commits from the mail via git am
Please also note that this is an RFC and according to the cover letter this will very likely break some SSH related stuff as some additional changes would still be required. Do not use those patches in a production cluster!
Thanks for a blazing fast answer!

You can see in the title that there are multiple messages related to the page series (in this case its 0/2):

So if you go to Next Message (in thread) you should see the actual diffs.
My bad, asking like an idiot :D ... sorry, I assumed it would be attachment and I cannot see it in the digest.

You can set up your client to view Mails as a thread. That way, when you have the Mailinglist subscribed, you should see all mails of a patch series grouped together. You can apply the commits from the mail via git am

Yes, I know I sounded like I was born long after mailing lists heyday, but it's the opposite for me. I was not subscribed in the list, now when I used to use something like ezmlm, there were commands to retrieve index and specific range of messages (sent before one subscribed to the list), I do not see anything like that in the output from response to my help email sent, I think mailman does not have such feature.

Please also note that this is an RFC and according to the cover letter this will very likely break some SSH related stuff as some additional changes would still be required. Do not use those patches in a production cluster!

Yes, yes, I was actually wondering if I can answer, but again I do not have the actual email to answer on (to the list) ... I guess I can answer to Fabian (if he ever finds such email in his box)?
Solved it myself, apparently it's rather easy to retrieve (and thus reply) to an email sent to a mailing list prior to one had subscribed to it. Simply download the gzip'd text from the list archive:

Entire emails can be found there including the Message-ID headers, so replies will work just fine.

Hope it helps someone in the future.
Solved it myself, apparently it's rather easy to retrieve (and thus reply) to an email sent to a mailing list prior to one had subscribed to it. Simply download the gzip'd text from the list archive

So if anyone follows me in this and ends up wondering then ... why oh why ...

You can apply the commits from the mail via git am

... spits out fatal: empty ident name (for <>) not allowed at them even as they go fix their global, local config, etc.

The emails in gzip'd list have their headers changed so that email addresses are masked with at in place of actual @ sign.

So either need to sed that so that git am is happy or just git apply.

Yeah, silly me, took me a while to realise...