I'll use PMG as outgoing mail filtering only. I don't want to PMG send any e-mail to non-existent external recipient. How can I prevent this, is there any option ?
This will be used for mass e-mailing and I think sending to non-existant recipients over and over will decrease spam score. I expect PMG can add these recipients to temporary black list. Does it capable to send weekly reports for these errors in order to remove from mailing list.
I would suggest to use a mailinglist software for this (sympa, mailman) - they are made for handling bounces and non-responding e-mail addresses and they do it quite well
I would suggest to use a mailinglist software for this (sympa, mailman) - they are made for handling bounces and non-responding e-mail addresses and they do it quite well
I've copyed main.cf.in from /var/lib/pmg/templates/ to /var/lib/pmg/templates/. I've checked postfix documentation but I couldn't figure out what is appropriate options to the outbound postfix.