How to move from PMG 4 to 5.0


Active Member
Dec 20, 2017

Yesterday I received announce about the new Proxmox Mail Gateway 5.0 beta and decided to try it right away.
In the FAQ is said:
Q: Can I do an inplace-upgrade from Proxmox Mail Gateway 4 to 5?
A: No. But you can backup/restore the rule database and email statistic from PMG 4 to 5.

But in PMG 5.0 there is no proxbackup.
-bash: proxbackup: command not found
How can I restore the settings on a new server?

Thanks in advance,
Mini HowTo
  1. Create a backup on your Proxmox Mail Gateway 4.x - if you want to restore statistics also, you need to create the backup via CLI (or via scheduled backups). The "Backup Now" does NOT include the statistics
  2. Copy this backup file via SCP to a new and fresh installed Proxmox Mail Gateway 5.0, into the following folder: /var/lib/pmg/backup/
  3. Rename the backup file to somthing like "pmg-backup_yourbackup.tgz"
  4. Now you can restore this file via the GUI, see "Configuration/BackupRestore: Restore"