how to modify /etc/corosync/corosync.conf ?


Oct 21, 2021
Hello everyone,

I have had a problem with my proxmox cluster for a few days, it has become completely unstable.

My cluster consists of 3 servers:
- 2 are permanently online
- 1 is online occasionally

I think that my problem comes from the configuration that I made when installing the cluster, I assigned only 1 vote to the first server (I think that during installation I told myself that the second and third server would be turned off occasionally)
After research, I realized that I was completely wrong. from what I understand, for my current case, I should rather grant 2 votes to server 1, two votes to server 2 and 1 vote to servers 3...

My question is how to modify this parameter in the /etc/corosync/corosync.conf file? every time I modify it it does not take my modification into account
If you have a 3 node cluster and 2 are permanently online then you are still quorate even though you shutdown one server. With 3 Nodes you get 3 votes.... one one offline you still have 2 votes out of 3. Or am i missing something here? Can you share the output of
pvecm status

To answer your question though on how to change the votes, follow below:

WARNING: It is important to complete all the changes first before saving the config!

nano /etc/pve/corosync.conf
2. Increment the quorum_votes of your nodes (you can also decrement)
3. Increment the config_version. Everytime you edit the file you always increment by 1!
4. Save & Exit
Hello and thank you for this answer.

Before you answered me I managed to pass the votes as I wanted... and indeed I still had instability problems.
With one vote per node, the cluster became stable again.

Thank you so much !