How to install VM on CPU's without VT


Renowned Member
Mar 28, 2007
Hi all,

First I want to congratulate Proxmox Team for this project!
I have a small server for testing: a Pentium D 935 (don't have VT technologies inside :() and with 4GB RAM;

Now, what are my problems:

1) I install Proxmox MailGW, and if I reboot the server from Mail Gateway WebUI the Virtual Machine go in status "Mounted" and block! To solve this I need to reboot VE. If I reboot the VM from VE interface everything it's OK. This is normal?

2) If I try to install 2 x Proxmox Mail GW on the same VE if I try to access both from the same browser, I receive a certificate error. How can I Solve this? A sollution is to use 2 browsers to manage this VM.

3) If my CPU don't recognize Intel VT technologies, I can install other VM insteed the "Appliance Templates"? If I try KVM I receive errors.

4) If I change an IP from a VM mounted with Appliance Templates (ex. Proxmox mailgw) this machine does'n resond to ping if I don't reboot all VE. If I reboot only the VM the problem still exist.

I hope I receive some answers!
Hi all,

First I want to congratulate Proxmox Team for this project!
I have a small server for testing: a Pentium D 935 (don't have VT technologies inside :() and with 4GB RAM;

Now, what are my problems:

1) I install Proxmox MailGW, and if I reboot the server from Mail Gateway WebUI the Virtual Machine go in status "Mounted" and block! To solve this I need to reboot VE. If I reboot the VM from VE interface everything it's OK. This is normal?

known bug, will be fixed soon. you can go to the commandline and start again.
vzctl start xyz
(for xyz use the ID of the container)

2) If I try to install 2 x Proxmox Mail GW on the same VE if I try to access both from the same browser, I receive a certificate error. How can I Solve this? A sollution is to use 2 browsers to manage this VM.

you mean you get such an error that you cannot access the interface? do you use firefox? try using IE6/7 and see if this also happens here.

3) If my CPU don't recognize Intel VT technologies, I can install other VM insteed the "Appliance Templates"? If I try KVM I receive errors.

If your CPU has no Intel VT (935 has not) you just can use OpenVZ. we provide several template, but you can also use precreated templates from the OpenVZ project.

4) If I change an IP from a VM mounted with Appliance Templates (ex. Proxmox mailgw) this machine does'n resond to ping if I don't reboot all VE. If I reboot only the VM the problem still exist.

I hope I receive some answers!

try this if the status is running or stopped.
known bug, will be fixed soon. you can go to the commandline and start again.
vzctl start xyz
(for xyz use the ID of the container)

Good news!

you mean you get such an error that you cannot access the interface? do you use firefox? try using IE6/7 and see if this also happens here.

I try on IE and it's OK. Only Firefox and Safari report this error. I user MacOSX and these are the alternative for me. Anyway for future users this is a sollution: manage WebUI with IE6/7

If your CPU has no Intel VT (935 has not) you just can use OpenVZ. we provide several template, but you can also use precreated templates from the OpenVZ project.
I'll do that!
Anyway, If I change the CPU on this server and I install another with VT instructions inside I need to reinstall the VE to have KVM active? What I need to do exact...

try this if the status is running or stopped.

The VM appear STARTED. The VE report that the machine run OK.
Good news!

I try on IE and it's OK. Only Firefox and Safari report this error. I user MacOSX and these are the alternative for me. Anyway for future users this is a sollution: manage WebUI with IE6/7

I'll do that!
Anyway, If I change the CPU on this server and I install another with VT instructions inside I need to reinstall the VE to have KVM active? What I need to do exact...

browser issue: can you try firefox 3 (rc1)?

you need a CPU supporting VT and also the mainboard bios should be capable to support VT - if the hardware is ok the KVM module is loaded automatically on Proxmox VE.
I have a Intel S3000AH...I take a look to description.

Also I will try FF3 to see if I have the same issues managing certificates...
I have a Intel S3000AH...I take a look to description.

Also I will try FF3 to see if I have the same issues managing certificates...

Intel S3000AH is ok! enable VT in the bios, TURN OFF your server (really) and then VT should work (if you have the right CPU).

We always have these boards with quadcore Xeon(R) CPU X3220 @ 2.40GHz, performing quite well
I'm thinking to the same CPU type - series X3000. I read on Intel web site that all these CPU's support VT technologies...

I will post again after I replace the CPU.
OK, I confirm to anyone who will use this combination:

MB: Intel S3000AH (latest BIOS because first don't support VT)
CPU: INtel Xeon 3220

Work OK! Thks all for advices!
2) If I try to install 2 x Proxmox Mail GW on the same VE if I try to access both from the same browser, I receive a certificate error. How can I Solve this? A sollution is to use 2 browsers to manage this VM.

I test again the same situation to open 2 sessions of PMG and the same certificate error on Firefox 3.0.1. This issue still exist...