I need to install Antec Kuhler 920 CPU Liquid Cooling drivers to control temp of my crazy AMD FX9590.
USB passthrough do not work for some reason and I would like to control it from host anyway.
Drivers (attached) are from SourceForge dot net /projects/kuhlerdriver/ (I'm not allowed to post links yet).
Is it OK to install it in general? Is this package good for Proxmox?
What is the process? I'm a bit confused with instructions found in readme:
simply type "make".
you will require the following extra libraries:
if unresolved references to sem_wait show up, AND you are running ubuntu 12.04:
sudo apt-get install libpthread-stubs0-dev
INSTALL the following udev rule: [I suggest /etc/udev/rules.d/10-kuhler.rules]
# antec kuhler 920
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2433", ATTR{idProduct}=="b111", GROUP="kuhler"
# antec kuhler 920-v4 -- UNTSTED!
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2433", ATTR{idProduct}=="b200", GROUP="kuhler"
to run on BOOTUP:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2433", ATTR{idProduct}=="b111", GROUP="kuhler", RUN+=/var/local/kuhlerd
in order for non-root users to use kuhler_ctl and kuhler_d, the above device rules must be installed in udev [as above]. Additionally, the following must be done [most of this is done by the install script]
- SETGID must be applied to kuhlerd
- /var/local/kuhlerd should have group ownership of kuhler
- the "main" user should be a member of the kuhler group
I need to install Antec Kuhler 920 CPU Liquid Cooling drivers to control temp of my crazy AMD FX9590.
USB passthrough do not work for some reason and I would like to control it from host anyway.
Drivers (attached) are from SourceForge dot net /projects/kuhlerdriver/ (I'm not allowed to post links yet).
Is it OK to install it in general? Is this package good for Proxmox?
What is the process? I'm a bit confused with instructions found in readme:
simply type "make".
you will require the following extra libraries:
if unresolved references to sem_wait show up, AND you are running ubuntu 12.04:
sudo apt-get install libpthread-stubs0-dev
INSTALL the following udev rule: [I suggest /etc/udev/rules.d/10-kuhler.rules]
# antec kuhler 920
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2433", ATTR{idProduct}=="b111", GROUP="kuhler"
# antec kuhler 920-v4 -- UNTSTED!
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2433", ATTR{idProduct}=="b200", GROUP="kuhler"
to run on BOOTUP:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2433", ATTR{idProduct}=="b111", GROUP="kuhler", RUN+=/var/local/kuhlerd
in order for non-root users to use kuhler_ctl and kuhler_d, the above device rules must be installed in udev [as above]. Additionally, the following must be done [most of this is done by the install script]
- SETGID must be applied to kuhlerd
- /var/local/kuhlerd should have group ownership of kuhler
- the "main" user should be a member of the kuhler group