How to increase storage on local/root/pve-root?


New Member
Jan 24, 2025
I mounted a directory from Proxmox on multiple LXC containers. This might not be the proper way to share common storage, but it’s the only method I managed to get working.

The issue is that the 100 GiB allocated to the local storage is now almost full, and I can’t figure out how to add more space, despite having over 1.5 TiB free on my SSD.

I believe the following information might help you assist me:

Thank you to anyone who take the time to assist me.
I am in exactly the same situation and am searching for the same answer. I have only been using Proxmox for a few days so am still trying to understand the role played by 'local' and 'local-lvm'. Most of my available free space seems to exists in local-lvm and yet I don't seem to be able to use this as storage.
Fix for Single HDD Proxmox Setup with LVM Storage Issues
If you use RAID, this issue doesn't occur. Alternatively, you can avoid it by partitioning Proxmox with specific partition sizes during installation. However, if you’re facing this issue, here's a proven fix:

I have tested this procedure over 30 times in the past year on various single-HDD setups.


Backup Your VMs
Ensure that all virtual machines (VMs) are removed or backed up to an external HDD.

!! Important: Do not leave backups or VMs stored on the lvm storage. !!

lvremove /dev/pve/*
vgdisplay pve
lvs //Show logical volumes
lvremove /dev/pve/data //removes the current lvm storage
lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/pve/root //Repartition root storage
resize2fs /dev/pve/root //resize the root partition the empty space
local-lvm //in frontend under storage remove local-lvm its non existend anymore
local-dir //Create a new directory with a mountpount stored on your new 100% size disk and mount it to a directory in frontend.

To create the new directory go into cli and mkdir /storage (choose a name your choise)
Than go into proxmox under cluster storage and add a new directory and make sure you select all >> content << types. Like in the images below

Screenshot from 2025-01-25 10-26-06.png

Screenshot from 2025-01-25 10-27-01.png
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@Clericer thanks for the procedure. Quick question before attempting that, when you say to backup VMs, does it includes LXC Containers or only VMs?
If it's the later I currently have only one VM that I haven't booted up yet and don't care about.
I am in exactly the same situation and am searching for the same answer. I have only been using Proxmox for a few days so am still trying to understand the role played by 'local' and 'local-lvm'. Most of my available free space seems to exists in local-lvm and yet I don't seem to be able to use this as storage.
"local" is your rootfs, default ext4. Does not support snapshots unless you use .qcow2

"local-lvm" is lvm-thin, Block storage for VMs, supports snapshots, does not present as a typical filesystem.

If you need more understanding / GUI control of your lvm layout, install webmin (runs on port 10000) and look into Welees Visual LVM.
@Kingneutron Thanks very much for the explanation. I have been storing my VMs and my backups on an external SSD, so I should be able to 'play' with making the "local" larger at the detriment of "local-lvm".

@FrancoisM Like i wrote: everything should be removed from the lvm because you will delete it in the "lvm remove" command. You can't remove it as long it contains data.​

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Reactions: FrancoisM
Thanks @Clericer it worked perfectly. Only issue is Plex backup could not be restored (data corruption apparently, only backup affected), but it's just 10 minutes to re-install it.