Hello everyone,
I am almost finished with my backup script that will upload my VM backups and logs to an S3 Compliant provider.
Now I am wanting to upload the backups at the job-end stage since doing it at backup-end/log-end will keep the VM itself in the backup stage.
This is not ideal for many reason but the biggest reason is that uploading the backups to S3 is not messured in minutes but in 10th of minutes per VM.
So I was wondering if there is an option to get the ID of the backup so that I can use it as a consistant value between the backup stages to store what files it needs to upload and from where so that I can later retrieve it when it gets to the job-end stage.
I am almost finished with my backup script that will upload my VM backups and logs to an S3 Compliant provider.
Now I am wanting to upload the backups at the job-end stage since doing it at backup-end/log-end will keep the VM itself in the backup stage.
This is not ideal for many reason but the biggest reason is that uploading the backups to S3 is not messured in minutes but in 10th of minutes per VM.
So I was wondering if there is an option to get the ID of the backup so that I can use it as a consistant value between the backup stages to store what files it needs to upload and from where so that I can later retrieve it when it gets to the job-end stage.
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