After following your guidelines outlined in your documentation about setting the content based filters I am getting the following error when I type:
"spamassassin --lint" command
Nov 20 22:09:16.337 [4844] warn: rules: failed to run __KAM_SPF_NONE test, skipping:
Nov 20 22:09:16.337 [4844] warn: (Can't locate object method "check_for_spf_none" via package "Mail: [...]:SpamAssassin:erMsgStatus" at (eval 2294) line 19.
Nov 20 22:09:16.337 [4844] warn: )
Nov 20 22:09:16.848 [4844] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with debug enabled for more information
Could you please hint me what am i doing here wrong?
Or Should it be ignored?
Thank you
Kindest regards
After following your guidelines outlined in your documentation about setting the content based filters I am getting the following error when I type:
"spamassassin --lint" command
Nov 20 22:09:16.337 [4844] warn: rules: failed to run __KAM_SPF_NONE test, skipping:
Nov 20 22:09:16.337 [4844] warn: (Can't locate object method "check_for_spf_none" via package "Mail: [...]:SpamAssassin:erMsgStatus" at (eval 2294) line 19.
Nov 20 22:09:16.337 [4844] warn: )
Nov 20 22:09:16.848 [4844] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with debug enabled for more information
Could you please hint me what am i doing here wrong?
Or Should it be ignored?
Thank you
Kindest regards