Hi friends.
Sometime Ago I had an 500GB mounted as Disk and Directory on Proxmox UI Interface, but then when I full the disk.
So I decided to Mount a newer HDD 1Tb and clone all the VZdumps and ISO folders migrating from old disk to the newer and bigger one.
Then, once migrated, I delete the Directory of the Old disk, from the Disks / Directory Menu, I choosen the Disk, click the "more" button and click on Destroy.
The name of the disk doesnt appear on Directory, but still showing on Disks lists with an interrogating logo, beside of local and local-vm.
The question here is What can I do to delete that volume? in order that It doesn't appear anymore?
Also I'm seeing that still showing at shell at /mnt/pve. despite that the volume its unpulgged and the directory doesn't exist anymore.
Sometime Ago I had an 500GB mounted as Disk and Directory on Proxmox UI Interface, but then when I full the disk.
So I decided to Mount a newer HDD 1Tb and clone all the VZdumps and ISO folders migrating from old disk to the newer and bigger one.
Then, once migrated, I delete the Directory of the Old disk, from the Disks / Directory Menu, I choosen the Disk, click the "more" button and click on Destroy.
The name of the disk doesnt appear on Directory, but still showing on Disks lists with an interrogating logo, beside of local and local-vm.
The question here is What can I do to delete that volume? in order that It doesn't appear anymore?
Also I'm seeing that still showing at shell at /mnt/pve. despite that the volume its unpulgged and the directory doesn't exist anymore.