I've been searching around the web and here to get some idea what size disk I should start with on a new installation.
For example, how far is a 500GB drive going take me? Is that enough to get say, a VM for Home Assistant, a VM for an Influx db/Grafana, a VM with Debian/MQTT server going without performance impact on all?
The PC will have 16GB ram.
If there is discussion of this, I'm happy to go read, I just haven't been finding it with my search terms.
For example, how far is a 500GB drive going take me? Is that enough to get say, a VM for Home Assistant, a VM for an Influx db/Grafana, a VM with Debian/MQTT server going without performance impact on all?
The PC will have 16GB ram.
If there is discussion of this, I'm happy to go read, I just haven't been finding it with my search terms.