How to correctly mount CIFS on proxmox with hetzner?
I'm mounting it directly in the CIFS storage of proxmox..but with some errors when proxmox use the storage.
I need to mount it manualy in the system?..then add to proxmox as foder?
How to correctly mount CIFS on proxmox with hetzner?
I'm mounting it directly in the CIFS storage of proxmox..but with some errors when proxmox use the storage.
I need to mount it manualy in the system?..then add to proxmox as foder?
In Linux-based systems, you can use the following command on the CLI to mount the file system:
mount.cifs -o user=<username>,pass=<password> //<username>.your-storagebox.de/backup /PATH/FOLDER
By adding the following line to /etc/fstab, your system will automatically mount the file system at boot. (It is a single line!):
//<username>.your-storagebox.de/backup /mnt/backup-server cifs iocharset=utf8,rw,credentials=/etc/backup-credentials.txt,uid=<system account>,gid=<system group>,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=0770 0 0
The file /etc/backup-credentials.txt (mode 0600) should contain two lines as follows:
In Debian-based distributions, the command is provided via the package cifs-utils.
apt-get install cifs-utils
On Debian Wheezy based systems, edit the parameters as follows if you are having problems:
You should also add the following lines to /etc/rc.local:
modprobe cifs
echo 0 > /proc/fs/cifs/OplockEnabled