[SOLVED] How to configure cluster 2 nodes with DRBD


Active Member
Nov 22, 2014
Hi, this is my firts post

I'm going to configure a Cluster of 2-node using DRBD, I first need to configure the node1 and two weeks later configure the node2, here my problem: I don't know how to configure the service drbd for first node and later the second node.

When i try start the service drbd i got this error:

root@nodo1:~# service drbd start
Starting DRBD resources:drbd.d/r0.res:1: resource r0 in:
Missing section ' on <PEER>{...}'.
resource r0: cannot change network config without knowing my peer.
[0]: State change failed: (- 2) Need access to UpToDate data
Command ' / sbin/drbdsetup 0 primary' terminated with exit code 17
0: State change failed: (- 2) Need access to UpToDate data
Command ' / sbin/drbdsetup 0 primary' terminated with exit code 17
0: State change failed: (- 2) Need access to UpToDate data
Command ' / sbin/drbdsetup 0 primary' terminated with exit code 17
0: State change failed: (- 2) Need access to UpToDate data
Command ' / sbin/drbdsetup 0 primary' terminated with exit code 17
0: State change failed: (- 2) Need access to UpToDate data
Command ' / sbin/drbdsetup 0 primary' terminated with exit code 17

When i try create the PV, i got this error:

root@nodo1:~#pvcreate /dev/drbd0
Device /dev/drbd0 not found (or ignored by filtering).

My file lvm.conf (filter) is configured:
filter = ["r|/dev/sdb1|", "r|/dev/disk / |", "a|.]*|" ]

Surely my problem is the file global drbd or r0.res because it cannot connect the node2. What should I do to be able to start the service using only the node1 and after configure the node2?

Thank you very much for the time and help
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Hi, thanks for your time :)

This is my file /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf

global {
        usage-count no;

common {
        protocol C;

        startup {
                wfc-timeout 0;
                degr-wfc-timeout 60;
                become-primary-on both;

        net {
                cram-hmac-alg sha1;
                shared-secret "my-secret";
                after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
                after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
                after-sb-2pri disconnect;

        syncer {
                rate 60M;
                verify-alg md5;

And this is my file /etc/drbd.d/r0.res
resource r0 {

        on nodo1 {
                device /dev/drbd0;
                disk /dev/sdb1;
                meta-disk internal;

        on nodo2 {
                device /dev/drbd0;
                disk /dev/sdb1;
                meta-disk internal;


Where i do specify the section PEER {...}? Or Where it's the error?

Thanks again!!
My /etc/drbd.d/drbd0.res file:
resource drbd0 {
  device /dev/drbd0;
  disk /dev/sdc;
  meta-disk internal;
  protocol C;
  startup {
    wfc-timeout  120;
    degr-wfc-timeout 60;
    become-primary-on both;
  net {
    cram-hmac-alg sha1;
    shared-secret "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
    after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
    after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
    after-sb-2pri disconnect;
  on vm9 {
    address X.X.X.X:7788;
  on vm10 {
    address X.X.X.X:7788;

my /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf:
global { usage-count no; }                                                                                                                                                            [1/1861]
common {
  syncer {
    c-plan-ahead 10;
    c-min-rate 50M;
    c-max-rate 100M;
    c-fill-target 2M;
    verify-alg md5;
    al-extents 3389;
  net {
    ko-count 10;
    max-buffers 128k;
    max-epoch-size 16000;
    sndbuf-size 8m;
    rcvbuf-size 8m;
    unplug-watermark 16001;
  disk {

I use Chef to configure my servers.
Looking at my Chef code, once the drbd config files are created Chef runs these commands on the 'master' node:
drbdadm create-md drbd0
service drbd start
drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary drbd0
pvcreate /dev/drbd0
vgcreate WhateverYouWantItNamed /dev/drbd0

On the 'slave' node (the one you will add at a later date) Chef runs these commands:
drbdadm create-md drbd0
service drbd start

At this point DRBD will perform a full sync from 'master' to 'slave'

My DRBD disks are /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd, my lvm.conf filter looks like this:
    filter = [ "r|/dev/sdc|", "r|/dev/sdd|", "r|/dev/disk/|", "r|/dev/block/|", "a/.*/" ]

Don't blindly copy my settings. Without a battery backed RAID card some of those settings would be dangerous.

Hope that helps!
Heyy my friend thanks very much!!

With this simple command:

[B]drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary r0[/B]

My problem was solved!

Thanks again :)


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