I have created a blacklist that contains domains that I don't want to quarantine them but completely delete/discard them as they arrive.
Is this possible?
There is a rule in the default ruleset that does this?
* Who Object Blacklist (there you put the list of domains you want to discard) -> add this as From to the rule
* Action Object Block
Thank you for the response
The rule was there but the emails were actually being kept in the quarantine.
I believe I "corrected" it by removing the public IP of the PMG from the "Trusted Networks".
I am correct in saying that PMG's IP should not be in the trusted networks?
this sounds odd - usually the public IP of PMG (if it is directly configured on PMG) is added to the trusted networks (and ends up in postfix' mynetworks variable)
you can check in the logs what happened with the mails to the blacklisted domains - PMG does log which rule was used when processing a mail, and you can see when postfix get's a mail from a blacklisted domain.
One reason I could maybe think of is that the public IP you use is not configured on PMG itself, but does forward mails to it. (but as long as it does this on the external port (25) the rules should still apply)
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