How put to work Live Migration VZ?

vitor costa

Renowned Member
Oct 28, 2009
I have 2 nodes. And create a new Container with CentOs. When try live migrate to another receive this :

/usr/sbin/vzmigrate --online 106
Starting online migration of CT 106 to
Preparing remote node
Initializing remote quota
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota init 106 -b 8388608 -B 9227468 -i 1600000 -I 1760000 -p /var/lib/vz/private/106 -e 0 -n 0 -s 0
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota show 106
Running: /usr/sbin/vzquota on 106 -r 0 -b 8388608 -B 9227468 -i 1600000 -I 1760000 -e 0 -n 0 -s 0
Syncing private
Live migrating container...
Error: Failed to dump container
VM 106 migration failed -

Then i create another one with Ubuntu template... same result...

Some months i see you talk about the openvz kernel problems.. the migration work ok in 2.6.18.... and so...

In what situations vz live migration works in PVE ? (i never se its happen, i tried 1.3 before with same results)
AFAIK it works with the debian templates.


Its a nice glue. I try this:

create containers:


And try live migrate. Result:

centos - Error: Failed to undump container

ubuntu8 - Error: Failed to undump container
vzquota : (error) Quota is not running for id 108

debian4 - ok
debian5 - ok

This vzquota : (error) Quota is not running for id 108 is interesting....

The problem is conected with the template ? Witth .conf container ? Or with process runing inside container ?

I will do more tests... and changes some nuts... any new glue will be nice.
most likely with process runing inside container (just a guess)

I think so too.

And about this quota thing in ubuntu ? Have any idea ? The comand to create quota in new node is not working ? or its about quota in old node ? or exist a process to suport quota inside container ?
most likely with process runing inside container (just a guess)

I make more test with process runing inside Containers and found this:

- Its not the process inside the problem.

ubuntu migration fail when start quota comand is issued in destination node (efective start quota). So the fail is after the dump container occur and before undump. In CentOs Container the problem is when orgirinal node try dump container contest to transfer.

I think this is a TEMPLATE problem. So i download templates from Openvz project to more tests. And its very good results:

I try the same targe systems (Ubuntu and CentOS)

The templates in:

Fail in the same way the Proxmox templates do.

But in:

(apear the official templates from OpenVz Team) work with no problem.

This is the exact links:
(i havent try the ubuntu 8 template , but beleve will work too).

I think Proxmox team can reavaliate the actual templates in Proxmox download area and replace for this ones with live migration ok.
I think Proxmox team can reavaliate the actual templates in Proxmox download area and replace for this ones with live migration ok.

I will not replace our templates. Instead, we need to find out whats wrong. Maybe the failing process is just not started inside those templates? Compare 'ps auxww' on those templates after start.
Online migration was not working for me with 1.4 before i try this :

I have set 'INITLOG=no' in '/etc/vz/vz.conf' on all my cluster nodes, restarted one OpenVZ VE (ubuntu hardy template based) for the test and online migration worked fine.

I still have the quota related error message (i do not use quotas), but the online migration problem appears not to be quota related.

I will do more tests ASAP, but i really think this is the good workaround. I've got debian-4 and debian-5 templates based VEs, and some old Linux VServer debian-4 based VEs migrated to OpenZ.

Please try on your side, and tell the results...