I was looking at the headers in a message sent from our domain to the outside world and noticed that all the host names and private IP addresses of all the internal systems through which the message passed were visible.
A quick search yielded this:
which describes how to easily remove those headers from messages with postfix. I know how to tweak the proxmox templates to modify the postfix configuration, but I get frustrated by losing those adjustments whenever we apply a hotfix. And, since proxmox is designed to live at the network edge, this seems like a logical feature to include as a configuration option.
Of course, I know what it's like to receive feature requests at a pace that you can not keep up with. But this option just seems like it really should be built in to proxmox.
As always, thanks for a great product.
A quick search yielded this:
which describes how to easily remove those headers from messages with postfix. I know how to tweak the proxmox templates to modify the postfix configuration, but I get frustrated by losing those adjustments whenever we apply a hotfix. And, since proxmox is designed to live at the network edge, this seems like a logical feature to include as a configuration option.
Of course, I know what it's like to receive feature requests at a pace that you can not keep up with. But this option just seems like it really should be built in to proxmox.
As always, thanks for a great product.