Hibernate AutoStart after moving from esxi


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2016
Hello guys,
I have a script which i use for move in every day some vm's on pve from esxi all works fine but after a 1 2 weeks i observe the fact hibernate auto start on vm's imediatly from first start on pve. My problems is this proccess use 10 12gb of storage.
So why hibernate start automaticaly?
how can i solve this problem?


What are the VMs running? (Windows, Linux, which distribution)?
What do you mean by hibernate? (Suspend to disk?!)
Windows Server 2012 r2
I use pve 5.2
Hibernate-> process who store ram content into a file on disk.
command to start/stop (probably with this command you understand what i want to say) powercfg -h off/on
If this proccess it's on i have for example 7gb free on disk, if i turn off i have 20gb of free space.
Thanks :)
I guess that you use a thin-provisioned storage? (zfs, lvm-thin, qcow2)?
In that case hibernating would of course expand the image size, since the ram contents get written to previously unallocated space.

As for the question, why windows automatically goes into hibernate - I cannot tell you (haven't used Windows in quite a long time)
Thx for your response but i create a .bat file and i add it into startup process and this is it :D