Hi emergency, lost access to proxmox webpage

Hi @Mark Bennett ,
I am not sure if I can help as this is not my area of expertise. Nevertheless, can you report which exact commands you ran? Have you had an opportunity to restart your services ? Specifically, pveproxy as @dMopp mentioned.
Are there any errors in the journal: journalctl -n 500
Can you restart the services again while monitoring the journal: journalctl -f
Are you sure the certificate you created is valid? What procedure did you follow to create it?
Is this a cluster? How many nodes are in it? What is the status of the cluster? (pvecm status)

Best of luck

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This is not a cluster. The certificate expired a while ago (May), but continued to work until the upgrade. I'm not sure how to check that. I've restarted the server a couple of times now.

The server's internal IP address is I can ping this, but when browsing to (also tried http), there's no response at all from the web browser.

Your cert matches to a specific key file, likely you don;t have that loaded. Your cert files have to match the key file.
The screenshot shows Mail Gateway messages; this seems to be a "PMG".

Probably @Mark Bennett knowns this, but to be sure: Look at https://pmg.proxmox.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page and top left "Documentation (current)" to find https://pmg.proxmox.com/pmg-docs/pmg-admin-guide.html#sysadmin_certificate_management

Good luck!

Edit: there is a separate Sub-Forum for the Mail Gateway; this one is for PVE...
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