hi guys
i'm running Proxmox via OVH and have 2 IPs assigned.
Inside my Proxmox im running PFSense which is accessible from the internet.
I've set up a VPN between my USG and PFSense - the PFSense says its connected, USG via the unifi controller says its offline but the logs on the USG show it's connected too.
I am unable to get any traffic across in any direction.
Im supsicious the problem lies within the proxmox config (specifically network/bridges).
if anyone can assist it would be much appreciated.
Proxmox accessible on 198.244.x.x
PFSense accessible on 54.x.x.x
USG on 5.1xx
the only place the 54.x.x.x is specifically set is OVH - Mac and on the PFSense installation.
i'm running Proxmox via OVH and have 2 IPs assigned.
Inside my Proxmox im running PFSense which is accessible from the internet.
I've set up a VPN between my USG and PFSense - the PFSense says its connected, USG via the unifi controller says its offline but the logs on the USG show it's connected too.
I am unable to get any traffic across in any direction.
Im supsicious the problem lies within the proxmox config (specifically network/bridges).
if anyone can assist it would be much appreciated.
Proxmox accessible on 198.244.x.x
PFSense accessible on 54.x.x.x
USG on 5.1xx
the only place the 54.x.x.x is specifically set is OVH - Mac and on the PFSense installation.