Right now i would like to access all the info on in a file on my original server which is an unraid install. I have been able to connect proxmox to the folder in question. This locks the folder from being added to by the unraid server or any user of that server. I understand the thought process behind this and i do not disagree with the implementation. I would like to dump isos and other files into this folder from the unraid side of things so that i am transfering all that info across a network just for it to be dumped back across the same line into the main storage server where it started. So the question is, what do i have to do to the permissions of proxmox for the folder to be unlocked so the server and a user can still add to the given folder? I could create a new folder and chmod -r into it from the unraid terminal and change all the ownership and permissions of the folder but i would rather do it properly.