Help Needed: Resize Disk following NVME Upgrade


New Member
Mar 22, 2023
I recently upgraded the Proxmox storage on my Beelink SEI12 from 500GB NVME to 2TB NVME. I cloned the existing installation using Macrium reflect. After booting up the Proxmox server, I found that the storage space still reflects the previous NVME limitation. I tried increasing the storage space on one of the LXCs using the resize command in the GUI and although that artificially increased the storage for that LXC (obviously not the right way). It also produced an error indicating that the size was larger than the physical disk.

How do I increase the storage size of the Proxmox disk to reflect actual available storage?

Thanks for the help!

You need to:
1.) increase the size of your 3rd partition (fdisk/parted/sgdisk)
2.) increase the size of your VG (vgextend)
3.) increase the size of your thin pool LV and/or root LV (lvextend)
4.) extend your root LVs ext4 filesystem (resize2fs)

Try the forums search function, people always ask this.
You need to:
1.) increase the size of your 3rd partition (fdisk/parted/sgdisk)
2.) increase the size of your VG (vgextend)
3.) increase the size of your thin pool LV and/or root LV (lvextend)
4.) extend your root LVs ext4 filesystem (resize2fs)

Try the forums search function, people always ask this.
Thanks. I definitely used the search function, but still new to Proxmox and the server is active so I don't want to mess it up and lose data.

1. Which is the 3rd partition? Isn't it nvme0n1p3 that's listed as 1.8T on lsblk? That seems like it's the right size. What am I missing?
2. vgextend would then need to increase from 465.26g to 1.8T? Is there a way to essentially maximize that space to cover the full disk size?
3. What is the pool LV? Is this 'data' for my installation?
4. What is the root LV? Isn't that currently 96g? Do I need to extend this if all I want is to increase the available disk available to my LXCs/VMs?
1. Which is the 3rd partition? Isn't it nvme0n1p3 that's listed as 1.8T on lsblk? That seems like it's the right size. What am I missing?
Yes, but if you look at pvs that PV is still using 465G and not 1.8T.

vgextend would then need to increase from 465.26g to 1.8T?
Jup, to the size of the PV which then needs to be 1.8T.

What is the pool LV? Is this 'data' for my installation?

That's the LV called "data" which is a LVM thin pool (shown in the webUI as storage "local-lvm"). This pool is split in to data (pve-pool_tdata) and metadata (pve-pool_tmeta). This thin pool hold your guests virtual disks.

What is the root LV? Isn't that currently 96g?
Thats the ext4 formated LV called "root" that is storing the PVE operating system as well as all files you stored in the "local" storage like ISOs, Backups and whatever
Do I need to extend this if all I want is to increase the available disk available to my LXCs/VMs?
No, then you could use all the additional space to extend your thin pool.
You need to:
1.) increase the size of your 3rd partition (fdisk/parted/sgdisk)
Are these commands correct?
resizepart 3

You need to:
2.) increase the size of your VG (vgextend)
Is this correct?
vgextend pve /dev/nvme0n1p3

You need to:
3.) increase the size of your thin pool LV and/or root LV (lvextend)
I'm assuming the thin pool LV is the data LV? If so, is this the correct command?
lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/nvme0n1p3/data
You need to:
4.) extend your root LVs ext4 filesystem (resize2fs)
Why is this step needed? Is this only needed if the root LV is extended?
Is this the correct command?
resize2fs /dev/nvme0n1p3/root
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