Hi everyone.
I need help setting up my network on Proxmox...
Here is my situation:
I have installed proxmox on a HP T620 over LAN, which was surprisingly easy. I can access via Webinterface or SSH.
The HP is supposed to replace my old RPi 2B running iobroker, which is monitoring my power usage (via USB optical reader) as well a monitoring my solar panel (via WIFI Shelly 1PM).
Because this happens in the basement, I have to use WIFI to connect to my Fritz Box und the Shelly. I have absolutely no way to get LAN down there.
My question:
1) How can I connect proxmox via WIFI to my Fritzbox?
2) How can i connect the Debian VM running iobroker via WIFI with my Shelly and the Fritzbox?
I have 2 USB WLAN sticks available to use (1 Fritz WLAN Stick AC860 and 1 Edimax EW-7811 USB WLAN Stick).
Can I use one for proxmox and one for VM passthrough? If yes, how?
Thanks for your help!
I need help setting up my network on Proxmox...
Here is my situation:
I have installed proxmox on a HP T620 over LAN, which was surprisingly easy. I can access via Webinterface or SSH.
The HP is supposed to replace my old RPi 2B running iobroker, which is monitoring my power usage (via USB optical reader) as well a monitoring my solar panel (via WIFI Shelly 1PM).
Because this happens in the basement, I have to use WIFI to connect to my Fritz Box und the Shelly. I have absolutely no way to get LAN down there.

My question:
1) How can I connect proxmox via WIFI to my Fritzbox?
2) How can i connect the Debian VM running iobroker via WIFI with my Shelly and the Fritzbox?
I have 2 USB WLAN sticks available to use (1 Fritz WLAN Stick AC860 and 1 Edimax EW-7811 USB WLAN Stick).
Can I use one for proxmox and one for VM passthrough? If yes, how?
Thanks for your help!