hello/use case/point me in the right direction


New Member
May 14, 2023
@mods: feel free to move this post to another, more appropriate subforum
@anyone: feel free to point me to any relevant faqs/similar posts

So, what I wanna do is build a nas server (if anyone is interested in the actual build i can supply a list/rational), to:
1. host media (mostly dvd/blueray rips)
2. provide space to backup local drives to
3. probably dvr tv
4. whatever crops up at a later stage

My basic idea was to use truenas with two pools, a bunch of hdds for data and a pair of ssds for apps.
Obviously, if I add VMs that's hammering in screws, it works, but it's not ideal.

So, for basic setup/build, i got two questions:
- can i run truenas within proxmox to export a share off the two ssds to then install other proxmox services/vms on said share
- does proxmox not care about boot drive as well (e.g. minimal ssd) or should i get a decently sized one for extra stuff?
First of all, to answer your questions:
- can i run truenas within proxmox to export a share off the two ssds to then install other proxmox services/vms on said share
So let me see if I follow what you are trying to do: You want to set up Proxmox as your hypervisor. Within Proxmox you want to set up a virtual machine that runs TrueNAS. That means you will be creating virtual hard disks for TrueNAS. Then, in TrueNAS you want to create pools on those virtual disks and give back a part of that space for Proxmox to install VMs on. (Please correct me if I misunderstood something here).

This is not a good way of doing things. I am guessing you want to SSDs to run them in software RAID 1. I would recommend setting up your RAID, setting up a filing system and then you could either:
  1. make a virtual disk [1](that doesn't take up the entire SSDs) on your SSDs for the TrueNAS vm and leave the rest for proxmox
  2. Partition your SSD RAID into one partition for Proxmox and one for your virtual disk for TrueNAS
I would recommend option 1. because it is more flexible and you can resize (making virtual Disks bigger is easy, smaller is a PITA). However, 2. gives you a clear separation, if you would want that for some reason.
- does proxmox not care about boot drive as well (e.g. minimal ssd) or should i get a decently sized one for extra stuff?
A minimal SSD should be perfectly fine, (I am guessing you mean around 128 GB or something since those are the smaller ones you can get, if you mean a 8GB partition on an SSD, no).


So, a couple of thoughts on all of this: Installing a TrueNAS vm in Proxmox is perfectly fine, a lot of people do it. Especially if you are familiar with TrueNAS, this is a good solution. However, you can set up all the things you want to do without this extra layer of virtualization, that is to say, instead of:
Proxmox -> TrueNAS -> Plex VM for watching media (You probably would have to set up nested virtualization for your TrueNAS VM[2].)
Proxmox -> Plex/Jellyfin Container/VM
Since Proxmox is a hypervisor, it is easy to set up Containers and VMs with the services you want to run (i.e. media hosting and whatever crops up at a later stage). Plus, If you set up ZFS as your filing system, you can share directories directly over the network [3]. On top of that, ZFS supports Z-RAID[4], so you could set up two raid pools: one for your SSDs and one for your HDDs. One thing about ZFS is that it is rather write-intensive and, depending on if you host a lot of databases that read and write a lot (from the sound of it, no) ZFS will wear out your disks fast if you don't use enterprise-grade hardware (you can get that stuff cheaper used, e.g.[5]). So that is a minus point for ZFS.

If I were you, I would set up my server and try out what setup you like best (that is, if you have the time to do that).

Some other resources that could be interesting for you:
  1. We have a German forum [6] (I am guessing form your username that you speak german as well). Plus, our documentation is available in German as well.
  2. Speaking of documentation: the documentation [7] plus our wiki [8].
  3. We also provide a backup server solution[9] for backing up Proxmox VMs and containers.
  4. If you want to support us in the future or want a professional subscription [10].
Best of luck with your setup, hope this helps :)

[1]: https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#qm_virtual_machines_settings
[2]: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Nested_Virtualization
[3]: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19120-01/open.solaris/820-2429/createstaticsmbsharezfstask/index.html
[4]: https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/zfs/
[5]: https://www.servershop24.de/ (I have not used them so far but they seem like a good company)
[6]: https://forum.proxmox.com/forums/proxmox-ve-deutsch-german.20/
[7]: https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html
[8]: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Main_Page
[9]: https://pbs.proxmox.com/docs/
[10]: https://www.proxmox.com/en/proxmox-ve/pricing