hddtemp passthrough to influxdb LXC?


New Member
Jul 10, 2022
I'm working on getting everything into InfluxDB + Grafana. So far so good, I have InfluxDB2 and Grafana LXCs each set up and running fine. Home assistant, proxmox metric server, and lmsensors (via telegraf) are all getting their data into influxdb. But I can't seem to get hddtemp data to passthrough. Is there a simple way to get hard drive data accessible to that LXC? Obviously:

address = ""

is erroring with "connect: connection refused"
According to your configuration, Telegraf only listens on localhost. You can either change "" to the IP address of the system running hddtemp or remove it altogether if you want to listen for all incoming connections. Alternatively, you can listen on a Unix socket with unix:///tmp/hddtemp.sock and then pass the socket through to the container with a mount point.