hdd for long term storage


Apr 10, 2023
I need to buy some hdd for the vms and I need some advices.
I was looking at two Toshiba units (MG and N300) and the Seagate X20.

The keys to me are power efficiency and reliability.
Since them will been used to store backups, I don't need advanced features or iperfast file transfer...
The drives will been in idle (spindown) for the most of the time.
Could this impact the hdd life? I mean, power on and off could cause failures or with these modern units it is not a problem?

On amaz.. (I don't know if I can tell the store name but it ends with "on") Italy the MG08 18 tb is sold for 309, the N300 18 tb for 349 euro and the x20 18 tb for 279.
The MG and X20 have better specs so I wonder why the N300 is more expensive..

..or in general, why these nas drives (toshiba, seagate, wd) are more expensive than these enterprise units?
It is the same method that producers uses for the "gaming" stuff? Add 2 leds and pump the price?

Thanks in advance
It is the same method that producers uses for the "gaming" stuff? Add 2 leds and pump the price?
They won't even add those additional LEDs. ;)
Difference between the internal consumer, external consumer and NAS disks are the firmwares. A NAS disk then for example won't spin down and park heads every minute to reduce wear. And the different disks are rated for different amounts of disks in a case. The NAS disks then got a firmware that accounts for vibrations of neighbouring disks. You are for example not allowed to put 4 non-NAS consumer disks in a raid enclosure.
But if you look at the datasheets those enterprise HDDs are usually rated higher than those NAS disks so there really should be no point that NAS disks are more expensive than enterprise disks.
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Hello and thanks for the reply

They won't even add those additional LEDs. ;)
Of course, I was joking about the leds.
But for the marketing power everything that has "gaming" on the name usually it costs more and do nothing more than other products. Or at least it do it with style (like the color leds) :cool:

Difference between the internal consumer, external consumer and NAS disks are the firmwares. A NAS disk then for example won't spin down and park heads every minute to reduce wear. And the different disks are rated for different amounts of disks in a case. The NAS disks then got a firmware that accounts for vibrations of neighbouring disks. You are for example not allowed to put 4 non-NAS consumer disks in a raid enclosure.
But if you look at the datasheets those enterprise HDDs are usually rated higher than those NAS disks so there really should be no point that NAS disks are more expensive than enterprise disks.

So it can be the same for enterprise disks, X20 and MG can been added in nas/server with way more bays than the N300 or the ironwolf.
These should be more expensive then the normal drives for small nas/soho/entusiast like the the n300 or the the wd red, but it is not..
I wonder if them costs more because there is some marketing behind or there are some real advantages.

In the 18 tb "space", why should I have to buy an Ironwolf pro for 384 or a N300 for 349 for wd red pro for 699 euros!! :eek:
if with 279 I can buy an enterprise drive like the X20?
I wonder if them costs more because there is some marketing behind or there are some real advantages.
There is definitely a pro-sumer price uplift for those NAS disks. "WD Reds" (not the Plus or Pro) are crappy SMR HDDs and every cheap consumer CMR HDD would be a way better choice for a NAS. Thats like selling QLC SSDs but asking for TLC SSD or even MLC SSD prices.
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