Hardware raid or ZFS?

I have to evaluate performance between an hardware raid6 or a zfs raiz2.
If hw raid is faster, i'll go with that.
I've already defined the fault tolerance criteria: i need a raid6 as I have on all of my servers.
But ZFS is not just about speed, it's a lot of added functionality you will never have with any HWRAID card. Defining a single criteria like speed makes no sense in my eyes. After judging that HWRAID is faster on your own system by 5% in synthetic tests, does that clearly indicate you'll benefit from that and decide you need to use that? I could only echo what @alexskysilk said in his post. Of course there are situations where pure speed is everything, but we don't really know from what you told us (pretty much nothing).
It depends on speed difference. Only 5% ? Ok, i can go with ZFS.
hwraid is twice faster? I have no choise, hwraid is the solution for me.

It depends.
What do you need speed for? Can we have a glimplse of your planned setup? It won't be a double in speed difference but IOW will be much higher. Is that even important for you?
This node will host about 45 VMs, some of them (at least 2 or 3) with very intensive I/O.
It will replace a similiar node, same hardware, same VM and I can't put anything slower than now. This is why I would like to double check the performance, as currently I'm using a RAID-6 hardware on a XenServer and I have to replace everything with proxmox on an identical hardware
I see. With a single-vdev raidz2 speed would be slow for writing generally since it would be as slow as a single component disk. ZFS really shines with many vdevs, so eg. with multiple raidz2 vdevs striped, and possibly cache device(s) added. I think it would be a fair comparison then. Otherwise you might find you really don't benefit from it.