Hardware Help Please


New Member
Jan 29, 2024
Good Evening,

I successfully setup my proxmox server on the weekend and have different things running without an issue. Now I have installed a 4 Port Gigabit Ethernet Card. I was wondering how I configure this in Proxmox? I already have:

enpsp0 which I assume is my network device from the built in port on the board.
vmbr0 which is the Linux Bridge which also have the gateway config in that.

So...... I did create vmbr01 but it would accept the gateway as its already set in vmbr0. I have left it where it is for now as I assigned an IP to it and can see that an the original IP when I check my monitoring software.

My questions is how can I configure the 4 Ports so that I can route trafic from different VM's through them?

Thankyou in advance for your assistance
You likely want to use multiple isolated subnets for each interface/vmbr. Doing a same subnet multi-home system properly is complex and prone to errors that are hard to troubleshoot.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
Many thanks for.your quick reply. Insumomy want to assign a different ip and crucially the one gateway to each mbr, but I'm not sure proxmox is capable. My though was I could route different vms through different ports via the mbr Config when setting them up.

I don't want different ip and subnets as I keep the server within its own subnet group.

Essentially it's on and I want to enable the other poets with consecutive IPs and assign to a unique mbr for each.

Hope this makes some sense :-)
The better question to ask is- you now have a hypervisor with 5 interfaces. What do you want to do with them? do you want to segment traffic in some way? do you want redundant interface pairs?
That's exactly what I want to do is segment them and have different vm's operating through different nics/ip's

I've definitely got two ips running so far, just need to check whether they are really separate or not by checking whether the mac addresses are different, that's one for tomorrow.
That's exactly what I want to do is segment them and have different vm's operating through different nics/ip's
Thats not what I meant. There are reasons to have different networks for different purposes- eg, you dont want to comingle your cluster network, iscsi network and/or ceph networks, etc. Seperating nics for your guests CAN make sense, but usually only for a dedicated virtual router- why do you want to dedicate nics for your vms? do you want airgaps between them? if so, how are the networks segmented downstream (eg, are there seperate vlans on your switch already?)

I've definitely got two ips running so far, just need to check whether they are really separate or not by checking whether the mac addresses are different,
You dont need nics for that. any VM connected to a vm bridge (vmbr) interface will have a unique mac address and can get a unique ip.