Hard Drive space missing


New Member
Jun 5, 2024
Still learning how all this works. So i created a VM to run linux Mint and do some testing / breaking while working on trying to figure out quirks of proxmox / immich

I initally gave the LVM 30G of HD space which i thought would be plent for this play test VM. So after getting mint installed and immich installed and created a first pass i am showing i am out of HD space.....no problem i though, i shoudl just be abl eto expand the HD of the VM. so i seletected the node - hardware - harddisk and expanded the drive size another 20G so i woudl have a total of 50.

I thought "wrongly apparently" that it would auto allocate that space in the VM so it woudl give me an additinal 20G of space to play with. While the hardware / hardisk does show it has expanded to 50G i can't access it or use it as part of the base OS

So my quesiton...how am i supposed to do this correctly so that the disk space is actually usable?

Ahhh. Because you're using ZFS with specific partitions (instead of whole drives), then you need to expand the relevant partition to the end of the drive so ZFS can then fill it up.

Step 1, make a full backup, just in case. Actually, you could make a full backup and try stuff out on the backup/copy first. :)

Step 2, extend partition 5 to the end of the disk. One "fairly" safe way of doing it is to delete the existing partition 5, then create a new partition in it's place with the same start point but ending at the 100% size (end of disk).

Step 3, if autoexpand isn't enabled for the pool, you can manually trigger the expansion by using "zfs online -e POOL_NAME DEVICE_NAME". The man page for zfs-online has more info, and there's a fair amount of info and examples of this around online if you do some basic searching. :)
One "fairly" safe way of doing it is to delete the existing partition 5
Based on the OP's post that he originally had 30GB on that drive & then added a further 20GB, then that partition 5, WILL contain data he has already written to, as that partition itself is 30GB in size. So in summary deleting that partition (5) = DATA LOSS.

I'm not absolutely sure what's going on but partition 4 has a little under 20GB - is that the added disk space?

I may be out of my depth here as I don't actively use ZFS.
So in summary deleting that partition (5) = DATA LOSS.

Deleting the partition entry (eg using parted), then re-creating the same entry (ie partition 5) starting on exactly the same spot but with its end in a new place (at the end of the drive) won't hurt anything. It's not actually changing any of the partition contents.
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It's not actually changing any of the partition contents.
Although that's true, in my experience this usually leads to data loss if something happens in the middle - as the area is marked as unused. Maybe parted can do this immediately - but I would not personally rely on this.